Class DropTarget

a base drop target object


Hierarchy (view full)




constant for the contains method



constant for the overlaps method


GUID: string

(G)ame (U)nique (Id)entifier"
a GUID will be allocated for any renderable object added
to an object container (including the container)

alpha: number

Define the renderable opacity
Set to zero if you do not wish an object to be drawn

  • Renderable#setOpacity
  • Renderable#getOpacity
alwaysUpdate: boolean

Whether the renderable object will always update, even when outside of the viewport

ancestor: Container | Entity

a reference to the parent object that contains this renderable

anchorPoint: ObservablePoint

The anchor point is used for attachment behavior, and/or when applying transformations.
The coordinate system places the origin at the top left corner of the frame (0, 0) and (1, 1) means the bottom-right corner

a Renderable's anchor point defaults to (0.5,0.5), which corresponds to the center position.

Note: Object created through Tiled will have their anchorPoint set to (0, 0) to match Tiled Level editor implementation. To specify a value through Tiled, use a json expression like json:{"x":0.5,"y":0.5}.

autoTransform: boolean

When enabled, an object container will automatically apply any defined transformation before calling the child draw method.

// enable "automatic" transformation when the object is activated
onActivateEvent: function () {
// reset the transformation matrix
// ensure the anchor point is the renderable center
this.anchorPoint.set(0.5, 0.5);
// enable auto transform
this.autoTransform = true;
blendMode: string

the blend mode to be applied to this renderable (see renderer setBlendMode for available blend mode)

  • CanvasRenderer#setBlendMode
  • WebGLRenderer#setBlendMode
body: Body

the renderable physic body

// define a new Player Class
class PlayerEntity extends me.Sprite {
// constructor
constructor(x, y, settings) {
// call the parent constructor
super(x, y , settings);

// define a basic walking animation
this.addAnimation("walk", [...]);
// define a standing animation (using the first frame)
this.addAnimation("stand", [...]);
// set the standing animation as default

// add a physic body
this.body = new me.Body(this);
// add a default collision shape
this.body.addShape(new me.Rect(0, 0, this.width, this.height));
// configure max speed, friction, and initial force to be applied
this.body.setMaxVelocity(3, 15);
this.body.setFriction(0.4, 0);
this.body.force.set(3, 0);
this.isKinematic = false;

// set the display to follow our position on both axis,;


checkMethod: string

the checkmethod we want to use


currentTransform: Matrix2d

the renderable default transformation matrix

edges: Vector2d[]

The edges here are the direction of the nth edge of the polygon, relative to the nth point. If you want to draw a given edge from the edge value, you must first translate to the position of the starting point.

floating: boolean

If true, this renderable will be rendered using screen coordinates, as opposed to world coordinates. Use this, for example, to define UI elements.

indices: number[]

a list of indices for all vertices composing this polygon

isDirty: boolean

when true the renderable will be redrawn during the next update cycle

isKinematic: boolean

If true then physic collision and input events will not impact this renderable

isPersistent: boolean

make the renderable object persistent over level changes

    | Polygon
    | Rect
    | Ellipse
    | Line
    | RoundRect

A mask limits rendering elements to the shape and position of the given mask object. So, if the renderable is larger than the mask, only the intersecting part of the renderable will be visible.

// apply a mask in the shape of a Star
myNPCSprite.mask = new me.Polygon(myNPCSprite.width / 2, 0, [
// draw a star
{x: 0, y: 0},
{x: 14, y: 30},
{x: 47, y: 35},
{x: 23, y: 57},
{x: 44, y: 90},
{x: 0, y: 62},
{x: -44, y: 90},
{x: -23, y: 57},
{x: -47, y: 35},
{x: -14, y: 30}
name: string

The name of the renderable

onVisibilityChange: Function

an event handler that is called when the renderable leave or enter a camera viewport

this.onVisibilityChange = function(inViewport) {
if (inViewport === true) {
console.log("object has entered the in a camera viewport!");
points: Vector2d[]

Array of points defining the Polygon
Note: If you manually change points, you must call recalcafterwards so that the changes get applied correctly.

origin point of the Polygon

removeDragEndListener: (() => void)
shader: GLShader

(Experimental) an optional shader, to be used instead of the default built-in one, when drawing this renderable (WebGL only)

type: string = "Rectangle"

The shape type (used internally).

updateWhenPaused: boolean

Whether to update this object when the game is paused.



  • get isFloating(): boolean
  • Whether the renderable object is floating (i.e. used screen coordinates), or contained in a floating parent container

    Returns boolean



  • Returns true if the polygon contains the given point.
    (Note: it is highly recommended to first do a hit test on the corresponding
    bounding rect, as the function can be highly consuming with complex shapes)


    • x: number

      x coordinate or a vector point to check

    • y: number

      y coordinate

    Returns boolean

    True if the polygon contain the point, otherwise false

    if (polygon.contains(10, 10)) {
    // do something
    // or
    if (polygon.contains(myVector2d)) {
    // do something
  • Returns true if the polygon contains the given point.
    (Note: it is highly recommended to first do a hit test on the corresponding
    bounding rect, as the function can be highly consuming with complex shapes)


    Returns boolean

    True if the polygon contain the point, otherwise false

    if (polygon.contains(10, 10)) {
    // do something
    // or
    if (polygon.contains(myVector2d)) {
    // do something
  • Draw this renderable (automatically called by melonJS). All draw operations for renderable are made respectively to the position or transforms set or applied by the preDraw method. The main draw loop will first call preDraw() to prepare the context for drawing the renderable, then draw() to draw the renderable, and finally postDraw() to clear the context. If you override this method, be mindful about the drawing logic; for example if you draw a shape from the draw method, you should make sure that your draw it at the 0, 0 coordinates.


    Returns void

    • Renderable#preDraw
    • Renderable#postDraw
  • Returns true if the vertices composing this polygon form a convex shape (vertices must be in clockwise order).

    Returns null | boolean

    true if the vertices are convex, false if not, null if not computable

  • onCollision callback, triggered in case of collision, when this renderable body is colliding with another one

    Returns boolean

    true if the object should respond to the collision (its position and velocity will be corrected)

    // colision handler
    onCollision(response) {
    if (response.b.body.collisionType === me.collision.types.ENEMY_OBJECT) {
    // makes the other object solid, by substracting the overlap vector to the current position
    // not solid
    return false;
    // Make the object solid
    return true;
  • scale the renderable around his anchor point. Scaling actually applies changes to the currentTransform member wich is used by the renderer to scale the object when rendering. It does not scale the object itself. For example if the renderable is an image, the image.width and image.height properties are unaltered but the currentTransform member will be changed.


    • x: number

      a number representing the abscissa of the scaling vector.

    • Optionaly: number = x

      a number representing the ordinate of the scaling vector.

    Returns Renderable

    Reference to this object for method chaining

  • Sets the collision method which is going to be used to check a valid drop


    • checkMethod: string

      the checkmethod (defaults to CHECKMETHOD_OVERLAP)

    Returns void