Class Color

A color manipulation object.


  • Creates a new Color instance.


    • r: string | number | Color = 0

      A Color object or the red component [0 .. 255]. Defaults to 0.

    • g: number = 0

      The green component [0 .. 255]. Defaults to 0.

    • b: number = 0

      The blue component [0 .. 255]. Defaults to 0.

    • alpha: number = 1.0

      The alpha value [0.0 .. 1.0]. Defaults to 1.

    Returns Color



  • Checks if this color is equal to another.


    • color: Color

      The color to compare with.

    Returns boolean

    True if the colors are equal, otherwise false.

  • Linearly interpolates between this color and the given one.


    • color: Color

      The color to interpolate with.

    • alpha: number

      The interpolation factor, with alpha = 0 being this color, and alpha = 1 being the given one.

    Returns Color

    Reference to this object for method chaining.

  • Parse a CSS color name and set this color to the corresponding r,g,b values


    • cssColor: string

      The CSS color name

    Returns Color

    Reference to this object for method chaining

  • Parse a Hex color ("#RGB", "#RGBA" or "#RRGGBB", "#RRGGBBAA" format) and set this color to the corresponding r,g,b,a values


    • hexColor: `#${string}`

      The Hex color string to parse

    • Optionalargb: boolean = false

      true if format is #ARGB, or #AARRGGBB (as opposed to #RGBA or #RGGBBAA)

    Returns Color

    Reference to this object for method chaining

  • Generate random r,g,b values for this color object


    • Optionalmin: number = 0

      minimum value for the random range

    • Optionalmax: number = 255

      maxmium value for the random range

    Returns Color

    Reference to this object for method chaining

  • Sets the color to the specified values.


    • r: number = 0

      The red component [0 .. 255].

    • g: number = 0

      The green component [0 .. 255].

    • b: number = 0

      The blue component [0 .. 255].

    • Optionalalpha: number = 1.0

      The alpha value [0.0 .. 1.0]. Defaults to 1.

    Returns Color

    Reference to this object for method chaining.

  • Sets the color to the specified normalized float values.


    • r: number

      The red component [0.0 .. 1.0].

    • g: number

      The green component [0.0 .. 1.0].

    • b: number

      The blue component [0.0 .. 1.0].

    • Optionalalpha: number = 1.0

      The alpha value [0.0 .. 1.0]. Defaults to 1.

    Returns Color

    Reference to this object for method chaining.

  • Sets the color to the specified HSL values.


    • h: number

      The hue [0 .. 1].

    • s: number

      The saturation [0 .. 1].

    • l: number

      The lightness [0 .. 1].

    Returns Color

    Reference to this object for method chaining.

  • Sets the color to the specified HSV values.


    • h: number

      The hue [0 .. 1].

    • s: number

      The saturation [0 .. 1].

    • v: number

      The value [0 .. 1].

    Returns Color

    Reference to this object for method chaining.

  • Get the color in "#RRGGBBAA" format


    • alpha: number = ...

      The alpha value [0.0 .. 1.0] to use in the output string.

    Returns string

    The color in "#RRGGBBAA" format

  • Get the color in "rgb(R,G,B)" format

    Returns `rgb(${number},${number},${number})`

    The color in "rgb(R,G,B)" format

  • Get the color in "rgba(R,G,B,A)" format


    • Optionalalpha: number = ...

      alpha value [0.0 .. 1.0]

    Returns `rgba(${number},${number},${number},${number})`

    The color in "rgba(R,G,B,A)" format

  • Pack this color RGB components into a Uint32 ARGB representation


    • Optionalalpha: number = 1.0

      alpha value [0.0 .. 1.0]

    Returns number

    A Uint32 ARGB representation of this color