Class Bounds

a bound object contains methods for creating and manipulating axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB).

Hierarchy (view full)



_center: Vector2d
max: XYPoint
min: XYPoint
type: "Bounds"



  • Adds the given vertices to the bounds definition.


    • vertices: Vector2d[] | Point[] | XYPoint[]

      An array of Vector2d or Point to add to the bounds.

    • Optionalclear: boolean = false

      Whether to reset the bounds before adding the new vertices. Defaults to false.

    Returns void

  • Adds the given bounds to the bounds definition.


    • bounds: Bounds

      The bounds to add.

    • Optionalclear: boolean = false

      Whether to reset the bounds before adding the new bounds.

    Returns void

  • Adds the given quad coordinates to this bounds definition, multiplied by the given matrix.


    • x0: number

      The left x coordinate of the quad.

    • y0: number

      The top y coordinate of the quad.

    • x1: number

      The right x coordinate of the quad.

    • y1: number

      The bottom y coordinate of the quad.

    • Optionalm: Matrix2d

      An optional transform to apply to the given coordinates.

    Returns void

  • Centers the bounds position around the given coordinates.


    • x: number

      The x coordinate to center around.

    • y: number

      The y coordinate to center around.

    Returns Bounds

    The current Bounds instance for method chaining.

  • Determines whether all coordinates of this bounds are finite numbers.

    Returns boolean

    False if any coordinates are positive or negative Infinity or NaN; otherwise, true.

  • Returns true if the two bounds intersect.


    • bounds: Bounds

      The bounds to check for intersection.

    Returns boolean

    True if the bounds overlap, otherwise false.

  • Sets the bounds to the given minimum and maximum values.


    • minX: number

      The minimum x value.

    • minY: number

      The minimum y value.

    • maxX: number

      The maximum x value.

    • maxY: number

      The maximum y value.

    Returns void