Class TextureAtlas

A Texture atlas class, currently supports :


  • Parameters

    Returns TextureAtlas

    // create a texture atlas from a JSON Object
    game.texture = new me.TextureAtlas(

    // create a texture atlas from a multipack JSON Object
    game.texture = new me.TextureAtlas([

    // create a texture atlas for a spritesheet with an anchorPoint in the center of each frame
    game.texture = new me.TextureAtlas(
    framewidth : 32,
    frameheight : 32,
    anchorPoint : new me.Vector2d(0.5, 0.5)


repeat: any


  • add a region to the atlas


    • name: string

      region mame

    • x: number

      x origin of the region

    • y: number

      y origin of the region

    • w: number

      width of the region

    • h: number

      height of the region

    Returns object

    the created region

  • add uvs mapping for the given region


    • atlas: object

      the atlas dictionnary where the region is define

    • name: object

      region (or frame) name

    • w: number

      the width of the region

    • h: number

      the height of the region

    Returns Float32Array

    the created region UVs

  • Create an animation object using the first region found using all specified names


    • Optionalnames: string[] | number[]

      list of names for each sprite (if not specified all defined names/entries in the atlas will be added) (when manually creating a Texture out of a spritesheet, only numeric values are authorized)

    • Optionalsettings: object

      Additional settings passed to the Sprite contructor

    Returns Sprite

    // create a new texture object under the `game` namespace
    game.texture = new me.TextureAtlas(

    // create a new Animated Sprite
    let sprite = game.texture.createAnimationFromName([
    "walk0001.png", "walk0002.png", "walk0003.png",
    "walk0004.png", "walk0005.png", "walk0006.png",
    "walk0007.png", "walk0008.png", "walk0009.png",
    "walk0010.png", "walk0011.png"

    // define an additional basic walking animation
    sprite.addAnimation ("simple_walk", [0,2,1]);
    // you can also use frame name to define your animation
    sprite.addAnimation ("speed_walk", ["walk0007.png", "walk0008.png", "walk0009.png", "walk0010.png"]);
    // set the default animation
    // set the renderable position to bottom center
    sprite.anchorPoint.set(0.5, 1.0);
  • Create a sprite object using the first region found using the specified name


    • name: string

      name of the sprite

    • Optionalsettings: object

      Additional settings passed to the Sprite contructor

    • OptionalnineSlice: boolean = false

      if true returns a 9-slice sprite

    Returns Sprite | NineSliceSprite

    // create a new texture object under the `game` namespace
    game.texture = new me.TextureAtlas(
    // create a new "coin" sprite
    let sprite = game.texture.createSpriteFromName("coin.png");
    // set the renderable position to bottom center
    sprite.anchorPoint.set(0.5, 1.0);
    // create a 9-slice sprite
    let dialogPanel = game.texture.createSpriteFromName(
    // width & height are mandatory for 9-slice sprites
    { width: this.width, height: this.height },
  • return a normalized region (or frame) information for the specified sprite name


    • name: string

      name of the sprite

    • Optionalatlas: string

      name of a specific atlas where to search for the region

    Returns object