Variable ScaleMethodsConst

ScaleMethods: {
    FillMax: "fill-max";
    FillMin: "fill-min";
    Fit: "fit";
    Flex: "flex";
    FlexHeight: "flex-height";
    FlexWidth: "flex-width";
    Manual: "manual";
    Stretch: "stretch";
} = ...

Type declaration

  • ReadonlyFillMax: "fill-max"

    Canvas is resized to fit maximum design resolution; content is scaled to design aspect ratio

  • ReadonlyFillMin: "fill-min"

    Canvas is resized to fit minimum design resolution; content is scaled to design aspect ratio

  • ReadonlyFit: "fit"

    Letterboxed; content is scaled to design aspect ratio

  • ReadonlyFlex: "flex"

    Canvas width & height is resized to fit; content is scaled to design aspect ratio

  • ReadonlyFlexHeight: "flex-height"

    Canvas height is resized to fit; content is scaled to design aspect ratio

  • ReadonlyFlexWidth: "flex-width"

    Canvas width is resized to fit; content is scaled to design aspect ratio

  • ReadonlyManual: "manual"

    Manual; no scaling is performed

  • ReadonlyStretch: "stretch"

    Canvas is resized to fit; content is scaled to screen aspect ratio