list of assets to load
onloadcb: Functionfunction to be called when all resources are loaded
switchToLoadState: boolean = trueautomatically switch to the loading screen
game.assets = [
// PNG tileset
{name: "tileset-platformer", type: "image", src: "data/map/tileset.png"},
// PNG packed texture
{name: "texture", type:"image", src: "data/gfx/texture.png"}
// PNG base64 encoded image
{name: "texture", type:"image", src: "..."}
// TSX file
{name: "meta_tiles", type: "tsx", src: "data/map/meta_tiles.tsx"},
// TMX level (XML & JSON)
{name: "map1", type: "tmx", src: "data/map/map1.json"},
{name: "map2", type: "tmx", src: "data/map/map2.tmx"},
{name: "map3", type: "tmx", format: "json", data: {"height":15,"layers":[...],"tilewidth":32,"version":1,"width":20}},
{name: "map4", type: "tmx", format: "xml", data: {xml representation of tmx}},
// audio resources
{name: "bgmusic", type: "audio", src: "data/audio/"},
{name: "cling", type: "audio", src: "data/audio/"},
// base64 encoded audio resources
{name: "band", type: "audio", src: "data:audio/wav;base64,..."},
// binary file
{name: "ymTrack", type: "binary", src: "data/audio/main.ym"},
// JSON file (used for texturePacker)
{name: "texture", type: "json", src: "data/gfx/texture.json"},
// JavaScript file
{name: "plugin", type: "js", src: "data/js/plugin.js"},
// Font Face
{name: "'kenpixel'", type: "fontface", src: "url('data/font/kenvector_future.woff2')"},
// video resources
{name: "intro", type: "video", src: "data/video/"},
// base64 encoded video asset
me.loader.load({name: "avatar", type:"video", src: "data:video/mp4;base64,AAAAIGZ0eXBpc29tAAACAGlzb21pc28yYXZjMW1wNDEAAAAIZnJlZ..."};
// set all resources to be loaded
me.loader.preload(game.assets, () => this.loaded());
set all the specified game assets to be preloaded.