Class Matrix3d

a 4x4 Matrix3d Object



val: Float32Array

The matrix values



  • generate an orthogonal projection matrix, with the result replacing the current matrix


    • left: number

      farthest left on the x-axis

    • right: number

      farthest right on the x-axis

    • bottom: number

      farthest down on the y-axis

    • top: number

      farthest up on the y-axis

    • near: number

      distance to the near clipping plane along the -Z axis

    • far: number

      distance to the far clipping plane along the -Z axis

    Returns Matrix3d

    Reference to this object for method chaining

  • scale the matrix


    • x: number

      a number representing the abscissa of the scaling vector.

    • Optionaly: number = x

      a number representing the ordinate of the scaling vector.

    • Optionalz: number = 0

      a number representing the depth vector

    Returns Matrix3d

    Reference to this object for method chaining