
class WebGLRenderer extends Renderer

a WebGL renderer object


new WebGLRenderer(options: Application.Settings) → {}
Name Type Attributes Description
options Application.Settings


optional parameters for the renderer


Properties from WebGLRenderer

GPURenderer = undefined
GPUVendor = undefined
WebGLVersion = 1

Methods from WebGLRenderer

addCompositor(compositor: Compositor, name: string, activate: boolean)

Clear the frame buffer

clearColor(color: Color | string, opaque: boolean)
clearRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)
clipRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)

add a straight line from the current point to the start of the current sub-path. If the shape has already been closed or has only one point, this function does nothing

createPattern(image: HTMLImageElement | SVGImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap | OffscreenCanvas | VideoFrame, repeat: string)
drawImage(image: HTMLImageElement | SVGImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap | OffscreenCanvas | VideoFrame, sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number)
drawPattern(pattern: TextureAtlas, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)
fill(shape: Rect | RoundRect | Polygon | Line | Ellipse)
fillArc(x: number, y: number, radius: number, start: number, end: number, antiClockwise: boolean)
fillEllipse(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number)
fillLine(startX: number, startY: number, endX: number, endY: number)
fillPoint(x: number, y: number)
fillPolygon(poly: Polygon)
fillRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)
fillRoundRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, radius: number)

Flush the compositor to the frame buffer

hasSupportedCompressedFormats(format: Number)
lineTo(x, y)

adds a straight line to the current sub-path by connecting the sub-path's last point to the specified (x, y) coordinates.

moveTo(x: number, y: number)
rect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)

Reset context state


Reset the gl transform to identity

rotate(angle: number)
roundRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, radius: number)
scale(x: number, y: number)
setBlendMode(mode: string, gl: WebGLRenderingContext)
setColor(color: Color | string)
setCompositor(name: string, shader: GLShader)
setGlobalAlpha(alpha: number)
setLineWidth(width: number)
setMask(mask: Rect | RoundRect | Polygon | Line | Ellipse, invert: boolean)
setProjection(matrix: Matrix3d)
setTransform(a: Matrix2d | number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number, f: number)
setViewport(x : number, y : number, w : number, h : number)
stroke(shape: Rect | RoundRect | Polygon | Line | Ellipse, fill: boolean)
strokeArc(x: number, y: number, radius: number, start: number, end: number, antiClockwise: boolean, fill: boolean)
strokeEllipse(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, fill: boolean)
strokeLine(startX: number, startY: number, endX: number, endY: number)
strokePoint(x: number, y: number)
strokePolygon(poly: Polygon, fill: boolean)
strokeRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, fill: boolean)
strokeRoundRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, radius: number, fill: boolean)
transform(a: Matrix2d | number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number, f: number)
translate(x: number, y: number)

Public Properties

compositors webgl_renderer.js:103
compositors: Map<WebGLCompositor>


The list of active compositors

currentCompositor webgl_renderer.js:91
currentCompositor: WebGLCompositor


The current compositor used by the renderer

currentProgram webgl_renderer.js:97
currentProgram: WebGLProgram


a reference to the current shader program used by the renderer

currentTransform webgl_renderer.js:85
currentTransform: Matrix2d


The current transformation matrix used for transformations on the overall scene

gl webgl_renderer.js:45
gl: WebGLRenderingContext


The WebGL context

GPURenderer webgl_renderer.js:37
GPURenderer: string = undefined


The renderer string of the underlying graphics driver.

GPUVendor webgl_renderer.js:29
GPUVendor: string = undefined


The vendor string of the underlying graphics driver.

maxTextures webgl_renderer.js:58
maxTextures: number


Maximum number of texture unit supported under the current context

vertexBuffer webgl_renderer.js:52
vertexBuffer: WebGLBuffer


the vertex buffer used by this WebGL Renderer

WebGLVersion webgl_renderer.js:180
WebGLVersion: number = 1


The WebGL version used by this renderer (1 or 2)

Public Methods

addCompositor webgl_renderer.js:273
addCompositor(compositor: Compositor, name: string, activate: boolean) → {}

add a new compositor to this renderer

Name Type Attributes Default Description
compositor Compositor

a compositor instance

name string "default"

a name uniquely identifying this compositor

activate boolean



true if the given compositor should be set as the active one

beginPath webgl_renderer.js:511
beginPath() → {}

starts a new path by emptying the list of sub-paths. Call this method when you want to create a new path

// First path
renderer.moveTo(20, 20);
renderer.lineTo(200, 20);
// Second path
renderer.moveTo(20, 20);
renderer.lineTo(120, 120);
clear webgl_renderer.js:392
clear() → {}

Clear the frame buffer

clearColor webgl_renderer.js:405
clearColor(color: Color | string, opaque: boolean) → {}

Clears the gl context with the given color.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
color Color | string



CSS color.

opaque boolean



Allow transparency [default] or clear the surface completely [true]

clearMask webgl_renderer.js:1153
clearMask() → {}

disable (remove) the rendering mask set through setMask.

See: WebGLRenderer#setMask
clearRect webgl_renderer.js:428
clearRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) → {}

Erase the pixels in the given rectangular area by setting them to transparent black (rgba(0,0,0,0)).

Name Type Description
x number

x axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

y number

y axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

width number

The rectangle's width.

height number

The rectangle's height.

clipRect webgl_renderer.js:1062
clipRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) → {}

clip the given region from the original canvas. Once a region is clipped, all future drawing will be limited to the clipped region. You can however save the current region using the save(), and restore it (with the restore() method) any time in the future. (this is an experimental feature !)

Name Type Description
x number

x axis of the coordinate for the upper-left corner of the rectangle to start clipping from.

y number

y axis of the coordinate for the upper-left corner of the rectangle to start clipping from.

width number

the width of the rectangle to start clipping from.

height number

the height of the rectangle to start clipping from.

closePath webgl_renderer.js:597
closePath() → {}

add a straight line from the current point to the start of the current sub-path. If the shape has already been closed or has only one point, this function does nothing

createPattern webgl_renderer.js:333
createPattern(image: HTMLImageElement | SVGImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap | OffscreenCanvas | VideoFrame, repeat: string) → {TextureAtlas}

Create a pattern with the specified repetition

let tileable   = renderer.createPattern(image, "repeat");
let horizontal = renderer.createPattern(image, "repeat-x");
let vertical   = renderer.createPattern(image, "repeat-y");
let basic      = renderer.createPattern(image, "no-repeat");
Name Type Description
image HTMLImageElement | SVGImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap | OffscreenCanvas | VideoFrame

Source image to be used as the pattern's image

repeat string

Define how the pattern should be repeated

Type Description

the patterned texture created

See: ImageLayer#repeat
drawImage webgl_renderer.js:442
drawImage(image: HTMLImageElement | SVGImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap | OffscreenCanvas | VideoFrame, sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number) → {}

Draw an image to the gl context

// Position the image on the canvas:
renderer.drawImage(image, dx, dy);
// Position the image on the canvas, and specify width and height of the image:
renderer.drawImage(image, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight);
// Clip the image and position the clipped part on the canvas:
renderer.drawImage(image, sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight);
Name Type Description
image HTMLImageElement | SVGImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap | OffscreenCanvas | VideoFrame

An element to draw into the context.

sx number

The X coordinate of the top left corner of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context.

sy number

The Y coordinate of the top left corner of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context.

sw number

The width of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context. If not specified, the entire rectangle from the coordinates specified by sx and sy to the bottom-right corner of the image is used.

sh number

The height of the sub-rectangle of the source image to draw into the destination context.

dx number

The X coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image.

dy number

The Y coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image.

dw number

The width to draw the image in the destination canvas. This allows scaling of the drawn image. If not specified, the image is not scaled in width when drawn.

dh number

The height to draw the image in the destination canvas. This allows scaling of the drawn image. If not specified, the image is not scaled in height when drawn.

drawPattern webgl_renderer.js:495
drawPattern(pattern: TextureAtlas, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) → {}

Draw a pattern within the given rectangle.

Name Type Description
pattern TextureAtlas

Pattern object

x number

x position where to draw the pattern

y number

y position where to draw the pattern

width number

width of the pattern

height number

height of the pattern

See: WebGLRenderer#createPattern
fill webgl_renderer.js:589
fill(shape: Rect | RoundRect | Polygon | Line | Ellipse) → {}

fill the given shape or the current defined path

Name Type Attributes Description
shape Rect | RoundRect | Polygon | Line | Ellipse


a shape object to fill

fillArc webgl_renderer.js:816
fillArc(x: number, y: number, radius: number, start: number, end: number, antiClockwise: boolean) → {}

Fill an arc at the specified coordinates with given radius, start and end points

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number

arc center point x-axis

y number

arc center point y-axis

radius number

arc radius

start number

start angle in radians

end number

end angle in radians

antiClockwise boolean



draw arc anti-clockwise

fillEllipse webgl_renderer.js:848
fillEllipse(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) → {}

Fill an ellipse at the specified coordinates with given radius

Name Type Description
x number

ellipse center point x-axis

y number

ellipse center point y-axis

w number

horizontal radius of the ellipse

h number

vertical radius of the ellipse

fillLine webgl_renderer.js:875
fillLine(startX: number, startY: number, endX: number, endY: number) → {}

Fill a line of the given two points

Name Type Description
startX number

the start x coordinate

startY number

the start y coordinate

endX number

the end x coordinate

endY number

the end y coordinate

fillPoint webgl_renderer.js:997
fillPoint(x: number, y: number) → {}

Draw a a point at the specified coordinates

Name Type Description
x number

x axis of the coordinate for the point.

y number

y axis of the coordinate for the point.

fillPolygon webgl_renderer.js:918
fillPolygon(poly: Polygon) → {}

Fill a me.Polygon on the screen

Name Type Description
poly Polygon

the shape to draw

fillRect webgl_renderer.js:945
fillRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) → {}

Draw a filled rectangle at the specified coordinates

Name Type Description
x number

x axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

y number

y axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

width number

The rectangle's width.

height number

The rectangle's height.

fillRoundRect webgl_renderer.js:976
fillRoundRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, radius: number) → {}

Draw a rounded filled rectangle at the specified coordinates

Name Type Description
x number

x axis of the coordinate for the rounded rectangle starting point.

y number

y axis of the coordinate for the rounded rectangle starting point.

width number

The rounded rectangle's width.

height number

The rounded rectangle's height.

radius number

The rounded corner's radius.

flush webgl_renderer.js:365
flush() → {}

Flush the compositor to the frame buffer

getContext webgl_renderer.js:604
getContext() → {WebGLRenderingContext}

Returns the WebGLContext instance for the renderer return a reference to the system 2d Context

Type Description

the current WebGL context

getGlobalAlpha webgl_renderer.js:768
getGlobalAlpha() → {number}

Return the global alpha

Type Description

global alpha value

getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats webgl_renderer.js:190
getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats() → {Object}

return the list of supported compressed texture formats

Type Description
hasSupportedCompressedFormats webgl_renderer.js:210
hasSupportedCompressedFormats(format: Number) → {}

return true if the given compressed texture format is supported

Name Type Description
format Number
Type Description
lineTo webgl_renderer.js:540
lineTo(x, y) → {}

adds a straight line to the current sub-path by connecting the sub-path's last point to the specified (x, y) coordinates.

Name Type Description
moveTo webgl_renderer.js:531
moveTo(x: number, y: number) → {}

begins a new sub-path at the point specified by the given (x, y) coordinates.

Name Type Description
x number

The x axis of the point.

y number

The y axis of the point.

rect webgl_renderer.js:547
rect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) → {}

creates a rectangular path whose starting point is at (x, y) and whose size is specified by width and height.

Name Type Description
x number

The x axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

y number

The y axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

width number

The rectangle's width.

height number

The rectangle's height.

reset webgl_renderer.js:227
reset() → {}

Reset context state

resetTransform webgl_renderer.js:326
resetTransform() → {}

Reset the gl transform to identity

restore webgl_renderer.js:657
restore() → {}

restores the most recently saved renderer state by popping the top entry in the drawing state stack

 // Save the current state

 // apply a transform and draw a rect
 renderer.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);

 // Restore to the state saved by the most recent call to save()
rotate webgl_renderer.js:726
rotate(angle: number) → {}

adds a rotation to the transformation matrix.

 // Rotated rectangle
 renderer.rotate((45 * Math.PI) / 180);
 renderer.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);

 // Reset transformation matrix to the identity matrix
 renderer.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
Name Type Description
angle number

the rotation angle, clockwise in radians

roundRect webgl_renderer.js:558
roundRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, radius: number) → {}

adds a rounded rectangle to the current path.

Name Type Description
x number

The x axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

y number

The y axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

width number

The rectangle's width.

height number

The rectangle's height.

radius number

The corner radius.

save webgl_renderer.js:701
save() → {}

saves the entire state of the renderer by pushing the current state onto a stack.

 // Save the current state

 // apply a transform and draw a rect
 renderer.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);

 // Restore to the state saved by the most recent call to save()
scale webgl_renderer.js:742
scale(x: number, y: number) → {}

adds a scaling transformation to the renderer units horizontally and/or vertically

Name Type Description
x number

Scaling factor in the horizontal direction. A negative value flips pixels across the vertical axis. A value of 1 results in no horizontal scaling.

y number

Scaling factor in the vertical direction. A negative value flips pixels across the horizontal axis. A value of 1 results in no vertical scaling

setBlendMode webgl_renderer.js:613
setBlendMode(mode: string, gl: WebGLRenderingContext) → {}

set a blend mode for the given context.
Supported blend mode between Canvas and WebGL remderer :

  • "normal" : this is the default mode and draws new content on top of the existing content

  • "multiply" : the pixels of the top layer are multiplied with the corresponding pixel of the bottom layer. A darker picture is the result.

  • "additive or lighter" : where both content overlap the color is determined by adding color values.

  • "screen" : The pixels are inverted, multiplied, and inverted again. A lighter picture is the result (opposite of multiply)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
mode string



blend mode : "normal", "multiply", "lighter", "additive", "screen"

gl WebGLRenderingContext


a WebGL context

See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/globalCompositeOperation
setColor webgl_renderer.js:776
setColor(color: Color | string) → {}

Set the current fill & stroke style color. By default, or upon reset, the value is set to #000000.

Name Type Description
color Color | string

css color string.

setCompositor webgl_renderer.js:294
setCompositor(name: string, shader: GLShader) → {Compositor}

set the active compositor for this renderer

Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string "default"

a compositor name

shader GLShader


an optional shader program to be used, instead of the default one, when activating the compositor

Type Description

an instance to the current active compositor

setGlobalAlpha webgl_renderer.js:760
setGlobalAlpha(alpha: number) → {}

Set the global alpha

Name Type Description
alpha number

0.0 to 1.0 values accepted.

setLineWidth webgl_renderer.js:787
setLineWidth(width: number) → {}

Set the line width

Name Type Description
width number

Line width

setMask webgl_renderer.js:1109
setMask(mask: Rect | RoundRect | Polygon | Line | Ellipse, invert: boolean) → {}

A mask limits rendering elements to the shape and position of the given mask object. If the drawing or rendering area is larger than the mask, only the intersecting part of the renderable will be visible. (Note Mask are not preserved through renderer context save and restore and need so be manually cleared)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
mask Rect | RoundRect | Polygon | Line | Ellipse


a shape defining the mask to be applied

invert boolean



either the given shape should define what is visible (default) or the opposite

See: CanvasRenderer#clearMask
setProjection webgl_renderer.js:372
setProjection(matrix: Matrix3d) → {}

set/change the current projection matrix (WebGL only)

Name Type Description
matrix Matrix3d

the new projection matrix

setTransform webgl_renderer.js:1006
setTransform(a: Matrix2d | number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number, f: number) → {}

Reset (overrides) the renderer transformation matrix to the identity one, and then apply the given transformation matrix.

Name Type Description
a Matrix2d | number

a matrix2d to transform by, or a the a component to multiply the current matrix by

b number

the b component to multiply the current matrix by

c number

the c component to multiply the current matrix by

d number

the d component to multiply the current matrix by

e number

the e component to multiply the current matrix by

f number

the f component to multiply the current matrix by

setViewport webgl_renderer.js:381
setViewport(x : number, y : number, w : number, h : number) → {}

Sets the WebGL viewport, which specifies the affine transformation of x and y from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number



x the horizontal coordinate for the lower left corner of the viewport origin

y number



y the vertical coordinate for the lower left corner of the viewport origin

w number


width of the canvas

the width of viewport

h number


height of the canvas

the height of viewport

stroke webgl_renderer.js:570
stroke(shape: Rect | RoundRect | Polygon | Line | Ellipse, fill: boolean) → {}

stroke the given shape or the current defined path

Name Type Attributes Default Description
shape Rect | RoundRect | Polygon | Line | Ellipse


a shape object to stroke

fill boolean



fill the shape with the current color if true

strokeArc webgl_renderer.js:795
strokeArc(x: number, y: number, radius: number, start: number, end: number, antiClockwise: boolean, fill: boolean) → {}

Stroke an arc at the specified coordinates with given radius, start and end points

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number

arc center point x-axis

y number

arc center point y-axis

radius number

arc radius

start number

start angle in radians

end number

end angle in radians

antiClockwise boolean



draw arc anti-clockwise

fill boolean



also fill the shape with the current color if true

strokeEllipse webgl_renderer.js:829
strokeEllipse(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, fill: boolean) → {}

Stroke an ellipse at the specified coordinates with given radius

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number

ellipse center point x-axis

y number

ellipse center point y-axis

w number

horizontal radius of the ellipse

h number

vertical radius of the ellipse

fill boolean



also fill the shape with the current color if true

strokeLine webgl_renderer.js:859
strokeLine(startX: number, startY: number, endX: number, endY: number) → {}

Stroke a line of the given two points

Name Type Description
startX number

the start x coordinate

startY number

the start y coordinate

endX number

the end x coordinate

endY number

the end y coordinate

strokePoint webgl_renderer.js:988
strokePoint(x: number, y: number) → {}

Stroke a Point at the specified coordinates

Name Type Description
x number

x axis of the coordinate for the point.

y number

y axis of the coordinate for the point.

strokePolygon webgl_renderer.js:886
strokePolygon(poly: Polygon, fill: boolean) → {}

Stroke a me.Polygon on the screen with a specified color

Name Type Attributes Default Description
poly Polygon

the shape to draw

fill boolean



also fill the shape with the current color if true

strokeRect webgl_renderer.js:926
strokeRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, fill: boolean) → {}

Draw a stroke rectangle at the specified coordinates

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number

x axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

y number

y axis of the coordinate for the rectangle starting point.

width number

The rectangle's width.

height number

The rectangle's height.

fill boolean



also fill the shape with the current color if true

strokeRoundRect webgl_renderer.js:956
strokeRoundRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, radius: number, fill: boolean) → {}

Stroke a rounded rectangle at the specified coordinates

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number

x axis of the coordinate for the rounded rectangle starting point.

y number

y axis of the coordinate for the rounded rectangle starting point.

width number

The rounded rectangle's width.

height number

The rounded rectangle's height.

radius number

The rounded corner's radius.

fill boolean



also fill the shape with the current color if true

transform webgl_renderer.js:1021
transform(a: Matrix2d | number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number, f: number) → {}

Multiply given matrix into the renderer tranformation matrix

Name Type Description
a Matrix2d | number

a matrix2d to transform by, or a the a component to multiply the current matrix by

b number

the b component to multiply the current matrix by

c number

the c component to multiply the current matrix by

d number

the d component to multiply the current matrix by

e number

the e component to multiply the current matrix by

f number

the f component to multiply the current matrix by

See: WebGLRenderer.setTransform which will reset the current transform matrix prior to performing the new transformation
translate webgl_renderer.js:1046
translate(x: number, y: number) → {}

adds a translation transformation to the current matrix.

Name Type Description
x number

Distance to move in the horizontal direction. Positive values are to the right, and negative to the left.

y number

Distance to move in the vertical direction. Positive values are down, and negative are up.

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